
Prehab: “The process of injury prevention is through taking care of weaknesses ahead of time so they don’t stop you from doing the thing you love… running” (McMillan Running)

In order to do more of you love as, there are always baby steps to reach success. We are not human doings, just beings therefore hitting a PB everyday may no be the best thing in the long run but by working towards hitting the BEST PB, is the goal. Through setting yourself 10mins a day to add in a stretch or some yoga that will benefit your running performance is a huge progress to success!

Fiit is great for those quick add-on classes that will help support your performance with their brand new Runner’s Support plan! A 4 week plan where you can dip in and out of the exercises and of course repeat the movements to familiarise yourself with them.

Another great shoutout if you are running short on time is Apple Fitness+, with more top instructors giving all their technique recommendations on each movement and progressions on each posture. I love Jessica’s yoga classes and Gregg’s Dumbbell Strength classes for an extra arm killer. Bare in mind to keep a flat back with any exercise and bend your knees when needed as a runner myself, these tips are best to not fight pain but to release tension.

Here are some visuals over the Prehab period before upcoming races and general endurance runs:

Run safe, stretch, breathe and enjoy the ride! :)