running and cross training

I am back, but not promising anything for now, still taking things with a pinch of salt and little by little progressions are leading to little wins. Swimming has been a life saver when it comes to challenging myself in terms of building distance. Increasing my distance in the water week on week, has not only been very motivating but I have seen a significant decrease in pain with my sports hernia.

Since I’ve had to cut out on the running completely over the past 2 months this has meant that I have had to drastically change my workout routine. In the early days of my injury, a lot of limping and having to take a week off work goes to show how painful it was to even stand up. I completely stopped. This was a very scary and vulnerable time. However maybe it was a sign to stop and reflect. Slowing down and taking time out is essential for any athlete not only to rest but letting your energy system recover specially with the buildup of any lactic acid.

This was my workout schedule post and pre injury phase. (Please seek professional advice first.)

Week 1-2 peak injury:

Monday - Full Body Pilates + Core

Tuesday - Barre + Core

Wednesday - Core + Rest Day

Thursday - Lower Body (light weights)

Friday - Upper Body + Yoga

Saturday - Push Pull w1 / rest day w2

Sunday - HIIT (upper body focused)

Weeks 3 onwards…

Monday - Lower Body + Cycle

Tuesday - Push Pull + Cycle/Treadmill (Optional)

Wednesday - Long Swim 3k+ & rest day

Thursday - Brick Session (2.5k+ swim, interval ride, 15 min elliptical shakeout)

Friday - Upper Body + Row/Cycle

Saturday - Rest Day (Yoga + Core)

Sunday - Swim (pyramids)/Cycle (Intervals)

This would be my typical schedule, changing up my workouts to keep things fressssh. Whether you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular endurance for an upcoming race, general fitness or to become stronger, having a routine is key. Work? Fit it around that, whether it may be breaking it up. 25-30min Strength in the morning and cardio in the evening or vice versa. Do your thing?! There is no right or wrong, as long as you’re enjoying the fitness journey and finding peace in it, test your limits when it’s necessary.

keep it fun :)