a work in progress: running

So where do I start?

Firstly, I used the Nike Run Club and Strava, which are completely free but membership is optional to show further analytics of your runs, definitely something to consider if you’re looking into becoming a professional runner or have a marathon coming up where you’d need to work on your stamina and pace but for me the free version works just as well to let me know my distance, pace and time.

Always jazz up your Playlist!

Every run should feel different, even if you’re running the same route and are comfortable doing so, therefore I couldn’t urge enough you guys to jazz up your running playlists or even switch up your normal music genres. for instance I normally listen to Alternative, Hip Hop, Throwback songs therefore through listening to chart music and house it has got me looking forward to tuning into some different beats throughout the running journey. I have used Spotify Premium for the past 3 years or so and it’s definitely my favourite music platform but Apple Music is also very good. Also, when using the Nike Run Club app there’s the option of listening to a playlist from Apple Music or Spotify instead of their recommended ones. I love the Running UK playlist on Spotify as hey change it frequently with new releases to keep you pumped up. Warning: you’ll get Runner’s High towards the end of your run - that’s a good sign!

Don’t look down, keep your head up and enjoy what you see.

I’ve been there, done that and did I feel good? Well… no. Of course you’re not going to feel satisfied after running a 10k, or even a 5k with the view of concrete floor (not good aha!) Breathe, look and embrace the outdoors otherwise you might as well run using treadmill indoors so number 1 tip to enjoy your runs with our feeling down and low in energy. You might even get a smiler thumbs up from other fellow morning/evening runners or cyclists, which is the cutest thing I love about my route in the morning.

And lastly, make sure you check the weather app… duh? I recommend running first thing in the morning if it’s hot later on in the day of course and it’s done and out of the way, leaving you feeling positive throughout the rest of the day. But if you’re an evening runner, do your thing too! Something is better than nothing! As someone who started with 5k and dreaded it, I realised that I much prefer a longer run and keeping a good, steady pace than forcing a sprint. Everyone is different.