how to fuel pre & post run

I am no certified nutritionist but what I can say, is that I have tested and tried what’s best for my body specially when running. What distance you run and how fast impacts on how much you eat. It’s true that after a run your stomach may take some adjusting to eventually get hungry and want to eat so listen to your body, this is a sign to prevent any stitches and dodgy stomachs before we overload our digestive system with fire.

So what’s best for me?

It’s a test of patience and time, there is no right or wrong really just be sensible. You can eat anything but ideally avoid any fats before a run as this can make us more lethargic and increase our heart rate as our bodies need more energy to burn this type of fuel, instead opt for carbohydrates such as a bagel or porridge depending on how long you’re running for.

I.e. <30mins = a cereal bar, banana, slice of bread.

60mins+= a bagel, bowl of porridge

What do I drink?

This has been a trial and error one with the caffeine. I have figured out that coffee actually impacts my heart rate and therefore when I run I feel more jittery and less focused on my strides, so I save it post run.

Drinking a coffee post run instead of before actually has way more benefits as it releases antioxidants which help aid that lactic build up throughout your run and keep up more alert as we lost most of that energy.  Mint tea is my go to now as it’s hydrating, works your digestive system, warms up the body during those colder months and makes your breath even fresher!

Also ELECTROLYTES! Best to take 1-2 hours before your run and post run to keep yourself hydrated and stop from any cramping! Trust me been there done that.

Morning or Night?

Over time this is something you’ll figure out too, whether your energy output is more efficient first thing or last thing before dinner. Whether you’re doing a double session split before and after work or doing your main block one single session a day, keep your fuelling right and always stay hydrated!

What about those strength sessions?

If it’s not a run, maybe it’s a strength day - sometime to build and we’ll get stronger with every run. These are key to running and including some plyometric movement is also very beneficial. Pre strength you might want to fuel up more or have some caffeine as you want to up your weight and hit the gym feeling pumped and ready rather than ready to run (ifykyk). Gains first. A bagel and coffee is my go to pre gym and post gym a protein shake, yogurt with granola or scrambled egg with avocado. Getting those proteins and fats after a workout is essential as your muscles has had to work hard to hit those reps and to repair those muscle fibres.

Race day!

Don’t try anything new. I’m sure you’ve heard over and over again if you’re a runner but just don’t. I’ve been there done that. You regret if specially if want that PB. I once had a big chia pudding for breakfast before a 10k race and wow tough times, cramps and all. Chia seeds are full of natural fats and protein. May be very keto but not race friendly at all. Just stick to that slice of bread and tea and you’ll be good to go, after that you can have whatever! Just be sensible, our bodies are sensitive specially us athletes.

Key takeaway: don’t try anything new on race day (usual tea and bread). Avoid anything fatty and with protein before a workout as our bodies need to time to digest these foods have this post workout. If you don’t have breakfast or can’t digest foods first thing, try having some tea to work the digestive system. Most importantly enjoy the journey, running and fuel work like brother and sister be sensible.

Have fun with it :)