açai bowl

If you haven’t been freezing your overripe bananas, have you been living on a planet called earth? This recipe may be Summer appropriate but definitely crave this all year round. Top with desiccated coconut, cocoa nibs, dehydrated strawberries, granola… or even Shreddies! Yes any cereal will do for some crunch. Here is my take of the very hyped açai bowl.

Acai Bowl (V)

(Serves 1)


  • 100ml Milk (I use Coconut Milk)

  • 1 Frozen Banana

  • Handful of Frozen Blueberries

  • 1 Scoop of Protein Powder (I use Salted Caramel but would recommend Vanilla!)

  • 2 tsp Acai Berry Powder

  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • Topping: Handful of Granola & 1 TBSP Chia Seeds

  • Optional: 1 TBSP Flaxseed, 1 TBSP Chia Seeds, 1 TBSP Maple Syrup, Ice Cubes


  1. Place ingredients in blender

  2. Whiz up on highest power until all smooth (in order to make it extra thick, add minimal milk then add a little more after 30 seconds, give it a good shake and then blend again)

  3. Pour into a bowl and top with granola and any toppings of choice!