a work in progress: sourdough

Hello everybody, hope you are all well and doing okay. So if you haven’t seen my insta stories you might not know that I have been attempting at making sourdough for the first time… well bread in general, and it can be so so tricky to master but I followed BBC Good Food’s White Sourdough recipe and I much prefer how simple the steps are even though the starter itself is a 6 day process and then the bread making part is another 3 days but let’s face it…. we have all the time in our hands now to accomplish things we never has the time to do. But can I just say that for my first attempt, even though one came out flatter than the other they were both amazing! and most importantly delicious as the taste of sourdough should be.

So here are some of the steps I took pictures of as a memoir to my first sourdough making process, when looking back and perfecting it for the second round. The trickiest part is done at least, which was the starter - when it floated at the top OH MY! I had a good feeling.