a walk in the park

a walk in the park

Hi everyone hope you are all well and staying safe.

I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately but life has to carry on and it’s okay to have bad days. We just have to accept it and embrace it in order to carry on and grow. Now I am no motivational speaker but I just wanted to spread a bit of positivity yet being realistic and not being too cliche. As human beings we are naturally meant to ‘eb with the flow’ so hopefully you can too. One way I have been de-stressing and coping with this is by doing FiiT workouts on their app, linked down below.

Another way is through baking and reading specially in the mornings now that we have more time, I now always start the day reading about 15 pages of my current book: Homodeus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, which is linked down below.

As fortunate as we are in the UK we are allowed to go out for some fresh air and daily exercise for an hour right now so for the first time in about a month I got out of the house and went for 2 walks on the weekend with my parents. Honestly the weather here has been so so good and all in all it felt really good to go for lengthy walks again so we went to 2 local parks one being Greenwich Park.

So here are some more visuals of our walks, hope you enjoy and hope you all have a good day!